Myths and Facts about tobacco
Facts: The average age a person begins smoking at 13. The average person begins using smokeless/spit tobacco at 12-25 years. most new tobacco users are adolescents, not adults.
Myths: smoking will help lose weight or i will gain weight if i quit smoking.
Facts: For new smokers and ex-smokers about ⅓ gain weight, about ⅓ lose weight, and about ⅓ stay the same weight. When it comes to weight loss, it is much smarter and safer to exercise and make positive changes in your diet that to use tobacco products.
Myths: Once you are addicted to tobacco, there’s no use in trying to quit.
Facts: When a person quits smoking/dipping the body immediately starts repairing itself. For example, blood pressure and pulse rates go back to normal range after 20 minutes of not using tobacco. Nerve ending starts growing back and lungs function improves after one week of not smoking. After 10- 15 years of not smoking, risks of all tobacco related diseases are greatly reduced.
Myths: smoking is not a drug problem.
Facts: The nicotine found in tobacco products is very addictive. The power of nicotine addiction has been compared to cocaine and heroin addiction. It does cause withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, insomnia, and nervousness.
Myths: smoking helps my body relax.
Facts: Nicotine is a stimulant. stimulants speed your body up; they don’t calm your body down. Plus no other drug keeps a user as busy as smoking.
For example: In a day, a 2 pack a day cigarette smoker spends 3 to 4 hours with a cigarette in his/her mouth, hand, or ashtray. Just know there’s thousands of ways to stop smoking.
Myths: I think smoking is cool.
Facts: Smoking stains your teeth, causes facial wrinkles, depletes energy, burns holes in clothes, causes bad breath and a general bad aroma. Men who smoke and have high blood pressure are more likely to become impotent than non-smokers.
Myths: lung cancer is the only disease i have to worry about with smoking.
Facts: Smoking stains your teeth, causes facial wrinkles, depletes energy, burns holes in clothes, causes bad breath and a general bad aroma. Men who smoke and have high blood pressure are more likely to become impotent than non-smokers.